In Proceedings of Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine
Surface Curvature Line Clustering for Polyp Detection in CT Colonography
Automatic polyp detection is a helpful addition to laborious visual inspection in CT colonography. Traditional detection methods are based on calculating image features at discrete positions on the colon wall. However large-scale surface shapes are not captured. This paper presents a novel approach to aggregate surface shape information for automatic polyp detection. The iso-surface of the colon wall can be partitioned into geometrically homogeneous regions based on clustering of curvature lines, using a spectral clustering algorithm and a symmetric line similarity measure. Each partition corresponds with the surface area that is covered by a single cluster. For each of the clusters, a number of features are calculated, based on the volumetric shape index and the surface curvedness, to select the surface partition corresponding to the cap of a polyp. We have applied our clustering approach to nine annotated patient datasets. Results show that the surface partition-based features are highly correlated with true polyp detections and can thus be used to reduce the number of false-positive detections.
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@inproceedings{bib:zhao:2008, author = { Zhao, Lingxiao and van Ravesteijn, V.F. and Botha, Charl P. and Truyen, R. and Vos, F.M. and Post, Frits H. }, title = { Surface Curvature Line Clustering for Polyp Detection in CT Colonography }, booktitle = { In Proceedings of Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine }, year = { 2008 }, pages = { 53--60 }, doi = { 10.2312/VCBM/VCBM08/053-060 }, dblp = { conf/vcbm/ZhaoRBTVP08 }, url = { }, }