In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization
Clinical Evaluation of Interactive Volume Visualization
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@inproceedings{bib:zuiderveld:1996, author = { Zuiderveld, K.J. and van Ooijen, P.M.A. and Chin-a-Woeng, J.W.C. and Buijs, P.C. and Olree, M. and Post, Frits H. }, title = { Clinical Evaluation of Interactive Volume Visualization }, booktitle = { In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization }, year = { 1996 }, pages = { 367--370 }, publisher = { ACM Press, New York }, note = { 0-89791-864-9 }, doi = { 10.1109/VISUAL.1996.568134 }, dblp = { conf/visualization/ZuiderveldOCBOP96 }, url = { }, }