In Proceedings of SCCG

Fast time-dependent isosurface extraction and rendering

Benjamin Vrolijk, Charl P. Botha, and Frits H. Post

For visualisation of time-dependent data sets, interactive isosurface extraction and rendering is desirable. It allows the user to study the development of a surface shape in time, such as a moving front or an evolving object shape. For this purpose, the user must be able to interactively specify an iso value, and a sequence of isosurfaces must be visualised, starting from any time step, in forward or backward direction in time. In this paper, we describe efficient and tightly coupled techniques for time-dependent isosurface extraction and rendering at interactive frame rates. In preprocessing, we create data structures from a time-dependent data set, which allows real-time extraction of all iso value-spanning cells, achieving rates of several hundreds of frames per second. These iso valued cells are then passed to a fast hardware-assisted direct point rendering algorithm for display, thus avoiding time expensive surface construction by triangulation. This algorithm makes effective use of the available graphics hardware.

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Benjamin Vrolijk, Charl P. Botha, and Frits H. Post, Fast time-dependent isosurface extraction and rendering, In Proceedings of SCCG, pp. 45–54, 2004.


    author       = { Vrolijk, Benjamin and Botha, Charl P. and Post, Frits H. },    
    title        = { Fast time-dependent isosurface extraction and rendering },
    booktitle    = { In Proceedings of SCCG },
    editors      = { Alexander Pasko },
    year         = { 2004 },
    pages        = { 45--54 },
    publisher    = { Comenius University, Bratislava },
    note         = { 80-223-1918-X },
    doi          = { 10.1145/1037210.1037217 },
    dblp         = { conf/sccg/VrolijkBP04 },
    url          = { },