Geometric modeling for scientific visualization

Geometric modelling for virtual colon unfolding

Anna Vilanova and Meister Eduard Groeller

a) Constant angle sampling of the organ surface. b) Same camera position as a) but with perimeter sampling

A virtual endoscopie view is not necessarily the best way to examine a hollow organ, such us, the colon. The inner surface of the colon is where polyps are located, and therefore what is examined by the physicians. A flight through the colon using a common endoscopie view shows a smal! percentage of the inner surface. Virtually unfolding of the colon can be a more etficient way to look at the inner surface. We propose two methods to unfold the colon : a method that unfolds the colon locally using local projections, and a method that obtains global unfolding of the colon by achieving a suitable parameterization of its surface.

More Information


Anna Vilanova and Meister Eduard Groeller, Geometric modelling for virtual colon unfolding, Geometric modeling for scientific visualization, pp. 453–468, 2003.


    author       = { Vilanova, Anna and Groeller, Meister Eduard },    
    title        = { Geometric modelling for virtual colon unfolding },
    booktitle    = { Geometric modeling for scientific visualization },
    editors      = { Brunnet,G },
    year         = { 2003 },
    pages        = { 453--468 },
    publisher    = { Springer },
    address      = { Berlin },
    url          = { },