Gijs M. W. Reichert , Marcos Pieras, Ricardo Marroquim, and Anna Vilanova
In Proceedings of VINCI, 2020
Qiaomu Shen, Yanhong Wu, Yuzhe Jiang, Wei Zeng, Alexis K. H. Lau, et al.
In Proceedings of PacificVis, 2020
Full game overview
Ashwin Sitaram, Jelle Römer, Jurriën Theunisz, Marnix Massar, Niels Mook, et al.
In Proceedings of FDG, 2020
David Alderliesten, Gees Brouwer, Rafael Bidarra, Jonas Duifs, Onno Gieling, et al.
In Proceedings of FDG, 2020


Indirect illumination computed from 1M animated virtual point lights (VPLs) with shadow maps of 162 resolution generated at interactive rates (100 ms, out of 194 ms for the image in total) by our many-view rendering algorithm (a). We show shadow maps of a subset of 2048 VPLs, for which many pixels are shared and rendered only once for multiple views (b). We highlight two close
Timothy R. Kol, Pablo Bauszat, Sungkil Lee, and Elmar Eisemann
Computer Graphics Forum, 2019
Screenshot of our interactive web application, which allows users to explore linked 2D and 3D anatomy contained in the VSP atlas.
Noeska Natasja Smit, Kai Lawonn, Anne C. Kraima, Marco C. Deruiter, Stefan Bruckner, et al.
In Proceedings of Eurographics (Dirk Bartz Prize), 2019
Overview of the system baseline. A many-light solution is baked into a lightmap using shadow mapping and rasterization, providing complex diffuse GI independent from the view-point. Baked solutions typically require complete recalculations, interrupting a continuous work flow. Our proposed approach extends such a system by an efficient update mechanism performing an incremental transition to the new illumination state.
Christan Luksch, Michael Wimmer, and Michael Schwärzler
In Proceedings of I3D, 2019
Examples of generated bedrooms from content chunks reduced from the motifs of Kermani et al. and SceneSeer. Note that more objects are generated using SceneSeer’s generation method (independently of the motif method). Furthermore, more sets are stored in the motif method of SceneSeer than of Kermani et al..
J. Timothy Balint and Rafael Bidarra
In Proceedings of FDG, 2019
From an input mesh representing the surface of a vessel, our algorithm detects and segments the aneurysms in the vessel. Afterwards, a report is generated including meta information on the patient as well as summaries of characteristics of the aneurysms, e.g., their widths and heights.
Kai Lawonn, Monique Meuschke, Ralph Wickenhoefer, Bernhard Preim, and Klaus Hildebrandt
Computer Graphics Forum, 2019
Pixel-perfect hard shadows produced by our method in the Citadel scene from different viewpoints.
Baran Usta, Leonardo Scandolo, Markus Billeter, Ricardo Marroquim, and Elmar Eisemann
In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics (Short Papers), 2019
 Our novel interactive approach for shape detection in point clouds allows for sophisticated interactions: Left: A Lasso selection selects only points that lie on the support shape as shown in the top image. Points in front and back of the support shape are not selected (bottom). Middle: A volumetric brush selection is performed on the selected support shape (top). Points are only selected if they belong to the support shape and intersect the brush (bottom). Right: Interactive LoD increment interaction along the selected support shape (drawn in red). The top image shows the original rendering model of the point cloud; the bottom image shows the point cloud with the additional points.
Harald Steinlechner, Bernhard Rainer, Michael Schwärzler, and Georg Haaser
In Proceedings of I3D, 2019
Example of two minigames that introduce new pickups. Left: the aim is to remove duckweed, that blocks sunlight into the canal. Right: the goal is to catch muskrats that build holes in levees.
Yoeri Appel, Yordan Dimitrov, Sjoerd Gnodde, Natasja van Heerden, Pieter Kools, et al.
In Proceedings of GALA, 2019
: Comparison between gradient-domain reconstruction and Monte Carlo denoising. For surface rendering, gradient-domain rendering is less efficient than Monte Carlo denoisers that use auxiliary buffers (NFOR [BRM∗ 16]) or histograms of path samples (BCD [BB17]). NFOR could also be applied to address noisy regions remaining in gradient-domain path tracing by using the reconstructed image as guiding features, leading to improved image quality (see G-PT + NFOR in the KITCHEN scene). For volume rendering, gradient-domain rendering is comparable to Monte Carlo denoisers, particularly with photon density estimation.
B. S. Hua, A Gruson, Victor Petitjean, M Zwicker, D Nowrouzezahrai, et al.
Computer Graphics Forum, 2019
 CyTOFmerge pipeline: Split the sample, stain each partial sample with a different marker panel and apply CyTOF to obtain the panels’ measurements. Both panels A and B share a set of markers m (green). L1 (red) are unique markers of panel A, and L2 (blue) are unique markers of panel B. Both panel measurements are combined to obtain an extended markers measurements per cell, which is input to downstream computational analysis as, for example, clustering in a t-SNE mapped domain shown here.
Tamim Abdelaal, Thomas Höllt, Vincent van Unen, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt, Frits Koning, et al.
Bioinform, 2019
Cytosplore Screenshot with multiple views open; a) CyteGuide, b) HSNE plot, and c) cluster heatmap.
Thomas Höllt, Nicola Pezzotti, Vincent van Unen, Na Li, Frits Koning, et al.
In Proceedings of Eurographics (Dirk Bartz Prize), 2019
Thomas Höllt, Anna Vilanova, Nicola Pezzotti, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt, and Helwig Hauser
Computer Graphics Forum, 2019
Left: Input shapes X1 and X2 (taken from [PRMB15]) and reconstruction of linear average (Z(X1) +Z(X2))/2 ∈ M/ with the local violations of the integrability condition as color map. Rightmost shapes: reconstruction using various spanning trees color coded with respect to the order of traversal.
Josua Sassen, Behrend Heeren, Klaus Hildebrandt, and Martin Rumpf
CoRR, 2019
 Four highly glossy spheres moving in different directions with 64 samples per pixel. In each subfigure: corresponding render, difference with reference and highlighted regions.
Jerry Guo and Elmar Eisemann
CoRR, 2019
A group of people interacting while playing Pong in a public space
Marie Kegeleers, Raoul Bruens, Maxim Liefaard, Nestor Z. Salamon, and Rafael Bidarra
Int J Comput Games Technol, 2019
Streak visualization showing the formation, shedding and breakdown of a vortex in a patient with an aortic dissection in the aortic arch and regurgitation is present in the ascending aorta. The corresponding video can be found in the supporting material.
Niels de Hoon, Kai Lawonn, A.C. Jalba, Elmar Eisemann, and Anna Vilanova
In Proceedings of Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine, 2019